Friday, March 5, 2010


Leviathan will have to wait...the economy is taking me out of my beloved studio and away from my sanctuary.  I will finish you Leviathan for in my mind I see you...and you are wonderful. :'(

Monday, January 11, 2010


SO! using copper piping sold in coils at Lowes or Home Depot, I cut the pieces as specified on the graph of the concept art. I pieced the armature together using copper joints and soldered them together. I then braced the feet and tail to a wooden base...making sure to level him out and keep his center of gravity balanced.

Monday, January 4, 2010

FREE TUTORIAL! concept art

Your first step for this project is to come up with concept art. It can be any style, any level. My concept art pictured is a traced rendering of my original that was far more detailed, but this gives you an idea anyway

Now you need to take the concept art and a piece of carbon paper and transfer it onto graph paper like the one below. using a different color i made out lines of the armature I had yet to build.
*You can skip this step in your own sculpture if you choose. It just depends on if you want an exact replica of the concept art. For paper sculpting it is best to have an armature of some sort. It can be made from whatever you chose provided it is water proof.
 After you map out the armature then you must size your graph. You can make each square one inch or one foot and anywhere in between.  Based on the size I wanted I made every 6 squares a foot. (odd I know LOL) My armature is made of semi-flexable copper pipping, jointed with copper fittings.  The graph will tell you how big each piece of copper will be, keeping the proportions of the sculpture intact.
Next I will cut the copper pipe to the specified sizes in the diagram.


I am offering a FREE TUTORIAL! you will get to learn paper sculpting techniques and witness the process of building my 7' 6" sculpture "Leviathan". I will show you how to design your sculpture with concept art, what materials to use, how to prepare your materials and you'll get to see all this in action!
This is going to be a long process, so sit tight and come back weekly to see what's next in the tutorial!
If you've never seen my paper sculpting before, check out "Orion" (pictured right) He is solid paper on a hand built wire armature.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Wait and See!

Ok peeps! We all have goals right? Well I am no exception, although my goals will probably kill me in the end LOL! My goal is to really beef up promotion of my studios. SO, this means I will be incorporating tutorials, demonstrations and hopefully video of some works in progress.
This includes a step by step process of me creating Leviathan...a 7-8 ft sculpture. with instructions on how YOU can do it too!
STAY TUNED and bear with me as I add more ideas to my ever growing to-do list : )

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Get your stuff together and join in on "cyber monday". The day of the year internet sales spike with festive deals and holiday sales! Don't forget to visit the many worlds of handmade this season by shopping at and More specifically of course you can visit my stores on artfire at for floppit sac dolls and fine art cards or for one of a kind artist teddy bears!

Monday, July 13, 2009


HEY GANG!!!If you haven't been to yet, NOW is the time :)Check out the Just for fun section, it's overflowing with great tips, book reviews, and fun little stories about everything handmade!Of course I am bias, as I am a columnist for the just for fun section. BUT HEY! we have more fun right?